
Decorative pillow covers by Pillowlink

When you direct your gaze to the places further than your street - you provide an opportunity for the birth of new exciting ideas in your life! 
Here is Rosita's story. 
I have been running Pillowlink Etsy shop on my own since 2011.

I am a photographer by education and I also studied sewing technique in 1998-2001. After doing some research I decided to go with the idea to make pillow covers of natural fabrics and sell them online. From the very beginning of Pillowlink I have been its owner, creator and photographer.

Etsy is my day job now, and it has been so from the beginning. I was sure I can earn for living here.

My day is very busy, I try to squeeze in as many things as I can and use my time wisely. I leave to town only 3 days a week – I go to the post office and fabric stores when I am there. During the day there is a lot of running around and even though I treat myself to coffee breaks, the pace of my day still feels very fast. I would love to spend more time resting, but at the moment I try to do as much as I can and achieve my goals.

I buy fabrics and sewing supplies in fabric stores. I do not have storage space for large amounts of fabrics because my workplace is at home and my studio there is a small room. But that means that I can offer custom orders with many different fabric shades every time, as I buy them in small quantities anyway. This makes me more flexible and inventive. 
 My husband Augis helps me a lot with everything now. When I got an idea to paint on pillows, he wanted to create something too. And I think I like his ideas even more than mine. He bought knives for cutting stencils and started making new designs and developing his vision. I call him “my designer”... He also helps me drive to fabric stores and take parcels to the post office. We really are a very good team. We keep it simple and it works very well for us.

 We are located in Lithuania, Vilnius region, in a small village surrounded by forests. It is our home and we love to be a part of the Etsy community, because it gives us freedom in our lives and allows us to develop our ideas and create what we like.

Visit Pillowlink SHOP

One of a kind jewelry by Rasa Vilcinskaite

My jewelry career began very simple way. My best friend was making
a soutache technique brooches. Then I saw her works, I could not not
admire it and bought some of them. After long time I decided to try to
do for myself and just for myself. I thought at the time that I will
never do it for someone else. But life sometimes give the surprises. So, I started it in 2011. I was inspired bead embroidery technique. I
love it the most. Now, I’m going to learn jewelry lessons. I want to
produce a metallic works. I'm working in two rooms apartments. In one
room i producing a jewelries and living too, in another room have my
own arts workshop. I'm a painter, now studying the master degree. So
in my life are two very strong and difference passions. And my cat
always sitting by me. Mostly love the cats :)) She very rarely smiles.
I usually making a necklace pieces. My favorites is large statement
necklace. I Love one of a kind pieces, usually i do not want to do the
same, but sometimes peoples want it, so, i can not say no. Love seed beads, stones beads,
shells, glass beads and i have my own style to make necklace with
belt buckle. I'm in love with belts buckles. sometimes send materials
from England, usually buy them in my city.
Than i producing the jewellery i never thinking about, what kind of
women will buy it, or where she wear it. I hope my clients are very
difference women and girls, loving fashion, strong colors, good
designs. Which is not afraid to stand out from the crowd, which has a
strong own style and self-confident woman.

My family very supported me and my work. My mother is the best critic
of my creations. She always say the true about mistakes or good jobs.
My friends loves my creation as well. Not all of them, but everyone
according to their taste. Only recently began to exhibit their works
strangers and make arrangements for the exhibition. So, i'm very
excited because, they loved my creations. I guess, I can say that many
people like my works, but they say, Lithuania is to small country for
your works. So i'm looking for best place to show my works.

Please visit Rasa's SHOP

Happy and funny things by Krize

Today I introduce you happy and smiling Kristina.

When destiny brought me to Galicia I had a lot of free time for creating. I felt absolutely in love with the green forests, culture and people, so I think it was a big influence for my work. My husband is a composer and pianist, so we have created a little cozy home studio to work together and be surrounded by art, music and colors!
I have opened my shop in 2008 with the advice of my friend Claudia Moya (from Mundogominola) and since then I am very happy to create and to spread my positive point of view towards illustration. I love creating happy and funny things and imagine people smiling while wearing my creations.

Handmade means something warm and very personal for me. It means something is unique and made with care and with calm. A handmade object is a thing with a soul. It is very important to me.

I hope you will enjoy this SHOP!

Amazing world of light by Less Candles

I would like to introduce you a wonderful candles artist.
Here's Asta's story.

After 13 years in different art schools (yes, I have bachelor degree of glass art) I met my man and decided to make a break. I even tried become a gardening :)
In 2001, very unexpectedly, an old friend called to ask, "Could you make some candles for my shop?"
Since then, candles live in my mind! Each day I search for unique ways to create beautiful candles. First I made gel candles and oil lamps with decorations inside. But mostly I searched different ways to make shaped, decorative hand poured candle. One inspiration was traditional Japanese candles. These hand painted flowers look so simple and so beautiful. I tried hundreds of different paints and waxes until I found the one's I now use and am absolutely satisfied. Now I can offer you great looking, perfect burning handmade candles. No any machines are involved in this process.
I use food-grade paraffin wax, pure cotton wicks and the best quality dyes for candle making.
Every candle is hand painted with care and love.

I love to spend time in the meadows and forests collecting all those things – birch barks, acorns, moss, chestnuts and snail shells. And more pleasure to create candles from it – so pure and natural gifts. I love to use materials for my candles, that we usually throw out – orange and kiwi peels, eggshells. I love to create small cute peaces for cozy and eco friendly home.
It's a big pleasure to make Your home more beautiful and cozy! 
Please visit her beautiful SHOP

Teikia „Blogger“.

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